Our Solutions


your impact

With your sustainability hotspots pinpointed, it's action time.

Impulse creates targeted roadmaps and action plans for impactful environmental reduction that are both beneficial for your business and the planet.

By evaluating various scenarios, we ensure your investments yield optimal sustainability and economic returns. Our aim is to convert your eco-friendly ambitions into practical, profitable outcomes.

Navigate your sustainability journey with confidence using our Roadmaps service, which leverages the methodology of the Science-Based Targets initiative (SBTi).

Through collaborative planning, we craft customized roadmaps aligned with your sustainability objectives, business goals, and upcoming regulations, ensuring scientifically grounded strategies aligned with the Paris Agreements, that drive impactful change throughout your organization and supply chain.

Build your Roadmap

Optimise Your
Reduction strategies

Optimize your sustainability efforts with our Reduction Strategies service. Drawing on the insights from Life Cycle Assessments (LCAs) and Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs), we prioritize quick wins to deliver immediate environmental benefits.

Then, we plan for larger investments that offer long-term sustainability gains. Our approach integrates environmental and economic considerations, ensuring that every strategy we implement is both environmentally sound and economically viable, driving meaningful and cost-effective change across your operations.

Calculate Your Scenarios

Explore the possibilities and optimize your sustainability efforts with our Scenario Calculation service.

By evaluating different scenarios and variables, we help you understand the potential outcomes and trade-offs of various strategies. Whether it's assessing the impact of new technologies, changes in supply chain practices, or shifts in consumer behavior, our scenario calculations ensure that your sustainability investments yield optimal results for both the planet and your business.

Do you also want to reduce your emissions?

Send Klaske a message or give her a call


Our Sustainability Expert